Our Church Ministry

A Time to Serve Ministry

A Time to Serve Ministry focuses on outreach that includes door-to-door witnessing to the unchurched, home visits to those who have visited the church, hospital and nursing home visitation, and inviting friends, neighbors and co-workers for a meal or to activities that will allow the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be shared with them.

All In the Family

All in the Family is a ministry that enhances and facilitates positive relationships within marriages and families This is accomplished through a combination of marriage and family workshops, relationship workshops and forums, married couples' support groups, parenting workshops and health education workshops.

Chosen Vessel Ministry

Chosen Vessel Ministry provides mentoring to teenage girls and girls who have moved into adulthood by preparing them for the future and keeping God first.

Covenant Marriage Ministry

Covenant Marriage Ministry assists couples in every stage of relational development and to create a God-honoring marriage that thrives on intimacy and growth. When couples forge ahead with God, they become a light of hope to others.

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry provides opportunities for men to become more spiritually mature through a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and to become godly influences within their home, church and community.

Progressive Care

Progressive Care is a support group ministry that provides comfort, support, and counseling to individuals, families, and couples.  Support groups are held for individuals who are married, widowed, separated/divorced, single parents, individuals who are bereaved, and those who have terminal illnesses.

Senior Ministry

The Senior Ministry strives to meet the spiritual, physical, and social needs of retired and senior adults.  Evangelism, discipleship, proclamation, and pursuit of excellence in all things are a central focus.

Singles Ministry

The Singles' Ministry provides emotional and spiritual growth to single adults and helps to meet the needs of today's Christian singles. The Singles' Ministry includes individuals ages 18 and older who have never been married, divorced, separated, or widowed.

Surviving and Thriving as a Single Mom

Surviving and Thriving as a Single Mom Ministry mentors single mothers and provide small support groups that teach life skills like overcoming anger and bitterness, dealing with their children's fathers, handling teenagers, time management and financial management.

Young Adult Transitional Ministry

The Young Adult Transitional Ministry is designed to assist young men and women (ages 18-25) to build and develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, producing strong Christian faith, character, and principles that are needed to face life's challenges victoriously.  This is accomplished through a combination of the following:  relationship forums, career workshops, health education workshops, personal growth and development seminars and spiritual growth seminars.

Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry

The Youth and Young Adult Ministry provides youth and young adults with a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people ages 12 to 25. Creative and innovative methods are used to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. The goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him only.

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry supports women in their relationship with God so that through spiritual friendships, mentoring, modeling, and teaching one another, we might experience the freedom to become all that God intends us to be. Women are taught that they are persons of immeasurable worth because we were created by God and have been redeemed and should honor God with our life and body.


Daughter of the King

Daughter of the King is a program for teen and pre-teen females. Its mission is to empower young women to discover, accept, embrace, and walk in their God-given purpose and step into their destiny. The aim of the program is to help young ladies realize that before they can find purpose or destiny, they must first discover their identity.

Ambassador of the King

Ambassador of the King is a program that is designed for young men, ages 12-17. The program offers seminars, workshops, services and activities that enhance the development of young men by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.


Boys-2-Men addresses what it means to be a man and how Christian families need to be deliberate about raising their sons to become strong, godly men. Attributes such as honor, self-control, courage, and leadership are also addressed.

Girls’ Club

The Girl’s Club enables girls to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens