Restoration Church of Christ

Restoration Church of Christ is a church that adheres to the Apostle’s doctrine and whose roots can be traced back to the day of Pentecost, the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ. We believe in repentance, water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and reception of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues and living a holy and sanctified life.

Restoration Church of Christ is a church that stands on the solid foundation.  We are striving daily to seek out holiness in our lives and deny ourselves of fleshly desires so we can lead others to Jesus Christ through our worship, sacrifices, joy, and the glory of God in our lives. We are a church where the preaching and teaching of God's Word is relevant, the praise is intentional, and the fellowship is warm and welcoming.

Although there are pressures that come against us in this society, Restoration Church of Christ continues to preach and teach the Apostolic Doctrine without compromise. Our main goal is to prepare the souls of men, women, boys, and girls for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what challenges you face today, they can be faced through the Word of God.


The transformation of mankind through a relationship with Jesus Christ.


The proclamation of the gospel for the perfecting and encouragement of saints, reclamation of backsliders, and the redemption of sinners.

Core Values

FAITH - Committed to Faith in Jesus Christ as expressed in the Bible.
PRAYER - Committed to continual Prayer.
WORSHIP - Committed to faithfully offering Worship to God.
TEACHING- Committed to receiving Biblical Teaching that transforms lives.
TRANSFORMATION - Committed to presenting the gospel for Transformation.
EXCELLENCE - Committed to Excellence in obedience to God’s call.
LOVE – Committed to loving people, God, and His Word.

Church Leadership

Elder Wender R. Gavin, Senior Pastor
Elder Timothy L. Beard, Ph.D., CRC, Associate Pastor
Deacon Frank Thomas
Deacon DeShawn Broxton

Schedule of Services

Sunday Corporate Prayer: In-Person ONLY at 9:45 am
Sunday School of Learning: In-Person ONLY at 10:15 am
Sunday Worship: In-Person AND Virtual at 11:30 am
Wednesday Night Corporate Prayer: In-Person ONLY at 7 pm
Wednesday Night Biblical Study: In-Person AND Virtual 7:30 pm

We're glad you're here! Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

Come Visit Us


Sunday Corporate Prayer:
In-Person ONLY at 9:45 am

Sunday School of Learning:
In-Person ONLY at 10:15 am

Sunday Worship:
In-Person AND Virtual at 11:30 am

Wednesday Night Corporate Prayer:
In-Person ONLY at 7 pm

Wednesday Night Biblical Study:
In-Person AND Virtual 7:30 pm

Quick Links

A Welcome Address from Our Pastor
Lydia Intercessory Prayer Warriors
Church Gallery

Upcoming Events



Series Topic: Faith-Powered Prayers: Unlocking God's Promise of Victory

Topic: Prayer: An Offensive Weapon

to Resist the Devil

Join Restoration Church of Christ as we celebrate

God’s faithfulness with a special TWO-DAY event. On Saturday, March 1st at 12:00 p.m., we will dedicate our house of worship, honoring the journey God has brought us through.

Then, on Sunday, March 2nd at 11:30 a.m. we will come together for a powerful VICTORY CELEBRATION as we give thanks for His promises fulfilled.

We can’t wait to share this exciting moment with you.